Use Variant System for Inserters
Having to reserve 5-6 hotbar slots for inserters is crazy. That's 25% of my hotbar.
I should be allowed to press a key ("V", E", etc.) to swap to a different inserter available in my inventory.
This system could be expanded to other categories (like switching between MKI and MKII variants), but my primary frustration is with inserters.
Comments: 2
25 Jul
TisakuI'd go with two inserter groups. Standard and filtered.
26 Aug
Stebear in mind you end up with about 10 lines of toolbar at higher levels, so the percentage would change dramatically. Most of my toolbar rows are empty TBH, space isn't a premium. It doesn't take much toolbar space to have the belts, inserters, machines, and a few lights/tools. I think I use maybe 5 rows max? By all means have a variant system, the more user-friendly it is the better, but if implemented, would prefer to also keep the option to have all inserter types still available on the toolbar for those that like it.