Late/Endgame machine: Harvester

7 votes

I'm still hollowing out the entire map, and it occurs to me that this save will probably be unplayable by the time 1.0 comes out, making my many, many, many hours of time completely wasted. I like the idea of having a hollowed-out map, but I don't want to do it manually more than once.

My suggestion is a new machine called a Harvester. It does exactly what it says on the tin: It harvests everything.

I see it as a Technodrome-esque machine (I love the Technodrome, leave me alone) that can be placed anywhere on the map. It will send out little drones that will collect everything within a certain radius of the Harvester, with that range increasing once everyone within range is taken.

You can set it to collect a specific item or a set of specific items or to grab everything, including the limestone that makes the world.

The Technodrome's storage capacity and energy requirements will increase as time passes. Perhaps it can use a portion of the limestone it harvests to fuel itself.

Read by dev Suggested by: Doozerpindan Upvoted: 30 Aug Comments: 1

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