crating machine
A machine that takes a stack of a material and puts it into a little bitty box. Boxes stack to ~10, not very high. Primary use would be to increase throughput of belts and inserters and decrease the number of belts needed.
Comments: 2
02 Sep
stefandaSlabs, shiv gel, bricks, processing arrays and many more are some of the items that already provide belt compression.
10 Sep
TisakuFully aware of the compressed materials, and use them exclusively whenever possible. But then I start getting logistics snarls with basic metal transport. Atlantum is a complete nightmare since you can't thresh bricks back to powder, and transporting chunks means massive threshing arrays EVERYWHERE and chains to deal with the waste.
Anything to decrease belt spam is a good thing. Just my central storage has near 20000 belts to maintain a barely acceptable throughput. Just doubling the material density would cut that in half. A crate that needs to be unpacked at the destination that holds a full stack of material? Massive boost.