In-game schematic hub
Currently you can see what can craft in the inventory screen, as well as the most basic recipe for most materials you've unlocked. However, you cannot see alternate production methods (I believe this is a big part of why so many people think the game becomes a slog, they miss the more efficient methods). You can see what can be made in an assembler (which is inconvenient, but works), but you cannot see the recipes for smelters, threshers, or crushers all in one place. This makes planning out how you will make things more complicated than it needs to be, and it is really easy to miss an alternate path to get more efficient production.
I've seen multiple people miss that you can make wire coils from copper slabs, and I originally missed the better way to make relay circuits.
There needs to be either a toggle in the inventory screen to see all unlocked schematics (not just the basic one), or a separate page that can show all of the unlocked options.
Comments: 2
17 Nov
JooThat explains a lot. seemed like a pretty significant oversight, especially for smelter and thresher where you can't even see the recipes on their respective interfaces.